Our stack


Within our self-hosted gitlab instance all website code is stored, continuous integration pipelines build code and perform quality checks leading to full websites deployed to their target systems.


We use medama as an analytics tool. It is build around privacy and does not store user specific data or cookies. This lightweight tool enables didth.is users to create purposeful content.


Depending on your goal, you can select from different styles and make them your personal space. Whether is is for your personal achievements, goals you reach with your organization or #goodnews you want to tell the world.

Understand your reach

With our analytics platform we value your visitors' privacy.
Nevertheless, you are able to determine which content is powerful and where users come from. This includes referring websites, but also countries or the well-known UTM-Parameters.

Flexible like you

Our layouts are as flexible as you. Power by hugo, you can build lightweight websites with little knowledge about programming, software or servers. They are optimized for search engines, mobile users and high performance.